The iTeach Blog
Embracing a Growth Mindset
With everything teachers use to help students develop a growth mindset, why do educators often feel that failure isn’t an option for them? We’re sharing strategies to help you adopt a growth mindset in your professional practice.
3 Ways to Foster a Growth Mindset with School Staff
Promoting a growth mindset empowers educators (and leaders) to be innovative in instruction—and problem-solving
Reframing Thinking for Growth Mindset Reflection
Our iTeach Coach offer pointers to help educators reframe their thinking so they can objectively reflect on teaching and learning in their classroom. Don’t miss our Reflection Map for Teachers, which includes questions that help you identify how you might revise the lesson in the future, as well as questions that hone in on what went right.
Using Individual Paths to Increase Achievement
Transition students from an over-reliance on rubrics by allowing them to determine their own individual path. We’re sharing strategies and ideas to redirect your students away from a grade-centric focus.