The iTeach Blog

Embracing a Growth Mindset
With everything teachers use to help students develop a growth mindset, why do educators often feel that failure isn’t an option for them? We’re sharing strategies to help you adopt a growth mindset in your professional practice.

“Take it Easy. Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.”
Taking a measured approach and using the tech tools that work well for you and your students will move your classroom forward and prepare your learning community, even when you have to work at a distance from each other.

Virtual Planning and Collaboration for Educators
Professional planning and collaborative work looks very different through a screen! These guidelines will help educators build a strong foundation and establish an effective workflow for virtual teamwork.

Growing Your PLN
With a new school year comes new challenges - especially this year. It’s a great idea to grow your PLN for professional support. Not sure where to start? Here are some ideas to help you grow your PLN!

Starting Within: Overcoming Discomfort Surrounding Discussions about Race and Racism
Discussing racism can be extremely difficult, but it is our responsibility as educators to ensure that our students have a safe space to talk about race and racism. iTeach Coach Darius Williams shares how educators can overcome discomfort by starting within ourselves.

Instructional Design Made Easy
You do not have to be certified as an instructional designer in order to create a learning module that is rigorous and highly engaging. Learn how teachers act as instructional designers when they create curriculum, select appropriate learning activities, develop assessments, and make meaningful materials for learners.

Effective Strategies for Virtual Coaching
It is critical that coaches are prepared to support teachers virtually! Learn how to make the most out of the virtual coaching process.

3 Ways to Foster a Growth Mindset with School Staff
Promoting a growth mindset empowers educators (and leaders) to be innovative in instruction—and problem-solving

Changing Course to Remote Learning
Guest blogger Max Gertz shares a six-step protocol to work your way to online teaching.

New Year: Intentions Over Goals
Unlike goals, which are specific and attainable items on a ‘list’, intentions are a thematic glue that binds together all of our actions. Learn how shifting your mindset to establish intentions can give you that boost of daily fuel needed to attain your goals!

iTeach Resolutions for a New Year
We are always looking for ways to become even better educators, coaches, employees, and colleagues. iTeach coaches share their own resolutions for 2020, including resources and links to prompt your thinking as you set goals for your own professional practice.

Reframing Thinking for Growth Mindset Reflection
Our iTeach Coach offer pointers to help educators reframe their thinking so they can objectively reflect on teaching and learning in their classroom. Don’t miss our Reflection Map for Teachers, which includes questions that help you identify how you might revise the lesson in the future, as well as questions that hone in on what went right.